
The program review process is designed to strengthen the contributions of department to student learning, 学术工作, and the mission of the College. With the benefit of feedback from professional peers, departments set both short- and long-term priorities for improvement and disseminate their mission, accomplishments and future plans to others.

学术课程评审 Guidelines (PDF)
Information about the purposes, characteristics and procedures for an academic program review.

学术课程评审 Schedule (PDF)
Calendar of academic program review cycle.

Timeline and Checklist (PDF)
Basic overview of the major steps in planning for and carrying out an academic program review.

Selected Questions to Guide 学术课程评审 (PDF)
Questions and topics to help departments think about the focus or topic of their program review.

Standard Data and Reporting Elements (PDF)
List of standard data and reporting elements to be provided to departments in support of program review.

Sample 访问 Schedule (PDF)
Suggestions for setting the agenda for the external visit.

Relevant College-wide Documents
Links to the mission 状态ment, Educational and Institutional Goals, faculty handbook and other documents frequently referenced in self-studies.

Intercollegiate Program Review Guidelines (PDF)

Intercollegiate Program Review Schedule (PDF)


克劳利K. “Making the Most of External Reviews: Part 1” 高等教育内部, 2019年5月1日

克劳利K. “Making the Most of External Reviews: Part 2” 高等教育内部, 2019年6月18日

克劳利K. “Making the Most of External Reviews: Part 3” 《太阳2平台》,29页 2019年8月

Eggleston T. (2020年7月). Program review and assessment for continuous improvement:
Asking the right questions. (临时文件编号. 48). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois
and Indiana University, National Institute for 学习成果 Assessment.
Appendices for NILOA Occasional Paper 48 (Eggleston, 2020)